Palazzina Vincenti

Submit your objection to its demolition by 10th December 2021. We highly suggest you use the template text provided below. You can submit using the ‘SUBMIT HERE’ button below, or send an email to using ‘Object to PA/7761/21 as the subject.

Palazzina Vincenti - Oppose PA/07761/21

'Palazzina Vincenti' stands as Vincenti’s architectural tour de force in the shift towards Modernism.

A hallmark of Maltese architectural modernism is under threat of demolition and may soon become a building that we can remember only in our memories, because of the wants of the greedy. As a nation we boast of our culture and heritage, yet we don't realise that it is slipping through our fingers. But, there is still time to object to this proposal. Use our template below to submit your opposition today. Submit your opposition to its demolition by 10th December 2021. We highly suggest you use the template text provided below. You can submit using the ‘SUBMIT HERE’ button above, or send an email to using ‘Object to PA/7761/21 as the subject.

To whom it may concern,

I object to the application number PA/07761/21. The building and the two adjacent houses are of an uncommon beautiful architectural style and deserves scheduling. So much so, in February 2019, a request for scheduling was submitted to the Superintendence for Cultural Heritage, to schedule the said premises as GRADE 1, quoting that the ‘premises is a landmark piece of Maltese modernism of the late 1940’s’.

I am therefore requesting the Authority to reject application PA/7761/21. It would be a great misfortune to our local heritage to lose such a gem.

Palazzina Vincenti located on a prominent road in Saint Julian's is a prime example of our Modernist architectural heritage and thus deserves merit of scheduling and protection. One of the main features of the building is its large reinforced concrete terrace that overlooks the sea on to Triq Gorg Borg Olivier which is one of a few examples of the first uses of concrete in such a manner on the island. Palazzina Vincenti is still in pristine condition, including all original metal apertures and no alterations have been done to the building since its completion in the early 1950s.

Apart from its architectural value, Palazzina Vincenti also consists of historical value due to the face that it was lived-in by a prominent Maltese architect and entrepreneur who revolutionised the early part of 20th century Malta.

On another note, the coastline of Saint Julian's simply cannot cater for another large-scale multi-storey project aimed to attract numerous people to the building once it is completed. Not to mention the absurdity caused by its mere construction. The proposal is disproportionate to the rest of the streetscape of Triq Gorg Borg Olivier, with lower buildings on both sides and in close proximity. I invite the Planning Authority to take note of the other scheduled buildings close by, including Balluta Buildings and the Balluta Church together with Villa Cassar Torregiani, Villa Blanche and Villa Priuli close by that will eventually be overshadowed by the likes of the horrendous building being proposed and any other building that shall be developed in a similar manner in the vicinity.

I would like to reserve the right to submit any further objections over and above this representation at a later stage.


Prints available


All prints from the Vincenti series are now available


Vincenti #1

Vincenti #2

VIncenti #4

Vincenti #3