
2023, Xewka f’Qalbi, Xewka f’Sormi (Translated: Thorn in my heart, Thorn in my Side), Rosa Kwir, Balzan, Malta (upcoming)

2023, Rock Paper /·\’, Fine Arts Gallery, Calesmates, Gibraltar

2023, Wish you were here II, Dalek Art Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium

2022, Lost in the Ether, Art Sweven Gallery, Malta

2022, Wish you were here, Dalek Art Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium

2021, The Pandemic - Survival, Art & New Action, Malta Enterprise, Malta

Media, Interviews & Conversations

2024, Nicole Sciberras Debono to take over the studio at KBIC in collaboration with Artz ID, Artz ID

2023, Meet Nicole Sciberras Debono | Visual Artist, ShoutOut LA

2022, Nicole Sciberras Debono: ‘Who would I most like to meet? My past and future self', MaltaToday

2022, Young Artist Nicole Sciberras Debono launches first exhibition, Oh my Malta

2022, Narratives of the familiar and the domestic, Gorg Mallia, Sunday Times of Malta

2022, “Mumenti intimi li permezz tal-arti jsiru aktar poetiċi u sbieħ”, James Aaron Ellul, Net News

2022, “Lost In The Ether: First Solo Exhibition By Upcoming Artist Featuring At Mqabba”, Sasha Vella, Lovin’ Malta

2022, “Carpe Imagines: Curating the digital self”, Melanie Erixon, Malta Independent

2021, “As St. Julian’s Villa Vincenti Faces Threats, Local Artist Launches Anti-Demolition Campaign”, Sasha Vella, Lovin’ Malta


Nicole Sciberras Debono (b. 1996) is a figurative artist from Malta whose practice is rooted in the exploration of the intimate and the familiar, loading everyday relics with metaphors and narratives.

Her compositions often feature tightly cropped perspectives of protagonists and their objects, imbuing them with existential weight and inviting viewers to reconsider their significance.

Working across multiple mediums—including painting, drawing, and digital media—Nicole experiments with surfaces ranging from linoleum to wood and cotton. Her process involves gathering a diverse array of visual references, which she curates and reconfigures to create layered, symbolic works that investigate the tensions between personal memory and shared cultural narratives.

Inspired by both classical and contemporary influences, Nicole’s work has been exhibited widely across Europe and the UK.